Monday, June 26, 2006

Time Flies

Karalyn is 7 weeks and one day old today. Each day there's something new with her - she can focus, or she makes a new sound, or she's gained weight. Newborns fast forward through life so quickly!

It's been a tough 7 weeks though, and that's the real scoop. Sleep deprivation is no joke when it's you getting up in the middle of the night to soothe or feed a cranky baby. Karalyn is a cry baby, probably colicky, and highly sensitive to stimuli. Even farting makes her cry. Every sensation is so new she is taken by surprise all the time. Very often the only thing that will calm is being swaddled so tightly in a receiving blanket that I'm surprised she has the breath to continue crying.

Other than that, she is a bundle of joy! So cute. So very, very precious. She has a little brown button face with a nub for a nose. When she smiles in her sleep Karl and I just melt. As well as sigh with relief, hehehe. Karl is wrapped around her tiny fingers which she gets from him.

I am busy all day. For those of you who don't have kids and wonder what SAHM do all day, well, it's care for the kids. I'm shocked at how much time it takes to cater to the needs of a newborn 24/7. It never stops. Karalyn is on a schedule where she feeds every 3 hours but it takes at least an hour to feed her, burp her and keep her upright while she wiggles constantly. Then it's some sort of playtime. Then I try to put her down for a nap. Only when she's asleep can I do anything else and it's not guaranteed that she'll sleep for very long.

I have new respect for mothers and motherhood. This ain't no 9 to 5 job. But it's cool, it's way cool. I have joined a not-so-secret motherhood society and club. Externally life is the same and yet inside it is completely, utterly, irrevocably different.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gorgeous baby, what a little sweeting! It is exhausting work isn't it? I didn't do so well with the sleep deprivation! Still, the melting into sweetness is a great paycheck :) Welcome to the club!

Monday, June 26, 2006  
Blogger Shannon said...

You seem like you're settling into motherhood perfectly. It is definitely more than a full time job and it makes you wonder where all your time goes and what you ever did before with all that free time!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A lovely post and a beautiful photo! I'm not sure how you moms do it either, but I totally admire you for it!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like motherhood suits you well, and if that picture is any proof that you are a wonderful mother to her. She looks so content.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad that all is going well for you - even if life is a bit crazy! I can't even imagine how much different it must be than life before child. Not sure that I could do it!

What an adorable picture of Karalyn. Those peaceful sleeping moments must really make the rest of it worthwhile. :)

Tuesday, June 27, 2006  

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